Day 730

So here we are.

The two year mark.

What do you think?  Continue?  Stop?

I’m looking back on the last two years of this experiment, and I have to say that really, it has been a success.  I can actually remember the days just leading up to it and all the good advice I got from various people — from seers to saints to sinners to just good ol’ fashioned confidantes.  They told me one variation or another on the theme of “make a change and stick with it.”

And for the most part, I’ve done that.

This blog was meant to represent the days of that journey and, to a large degree, I have kept that commitment…even 730 days later.

When I look back on all that has gone on, I find so much good.  I found a literary agent, wrote a few new books, published some articles, grew more in some of my spiritual practices (and, sometimes, shrunk from them!).  I can’t say that every move was good or that every decision was bad.  I can’t say that I’m in a better place financially or health-wise.  I do know, however that I feel good about it.  I feel ready for the next adventure.  I feel lighter — and not just right now.  I remember that on day one of this experiment, I felt lighter.

But most importantly, I don’t regret two years ago — and I don’t think I could have picked a better place to be at day 730.  The point wasn’t to be rich or famous by now.  I think it was, in fact, not to have regrets from the starting point.

So, in that spirit, I’m going to make a decision.  I’m going to pause the New Josh experiment at two years so that I can devote my energies to new projects.  I AM NOT ABANDONING THE SPIRIT OF THE EXPERIMENT.  This is a lifelong, ongoing thing — to the end of my days.  There are folks who think that being on a spiritual path means striving for perfection, or a life without mistakes.  But that is a 100% dead-wrong assessment of what this is about.  No.  The project is about becoming more aware, using one’s intuition, making mistakes and learning from them, coming into contact with something deeper than appearances, and moving on with courage.  And I am committed to that.  I embrace my imperfections, take comfort in my strengths, and commit to shore up those places that may need a little help.  I will keep learning, teaching, writing, and being…the best way I know how.

I will continue to provide updates here.  I will continue to blog here.  But I will, in all likelihood, stop the count here.  I want to thank the thousands of you who have come here to join me, and I hope you will check in once in a while.  Who knows?  Maybe someday you’ll read my book or I’ll get to meet you in person.  We won’t know each other, of course, but then again….

New Josh was about a guy named Josh.  And it was also about something else.  It was about making small changes and taking big steps.

And that will never stop.


Day 729

The north and east are callin’ me!

What will I find there?  Don’t know.

It’s just a day or two.  No biggie.  But still, any time on the road is usually good time on the road.  Any adventure is (hopefully!) good adventure…at least if it’s done with an open mind.

They are, however, forecasting rain.  Hmmm….

Wait!  An open mind, right?  Am I right?  I’m right.  New adventure, open mind, light rain.  That could work!


Day 728

I was transported today.

Not to anyplace far from here.  But rather, a place so near, it’s almost silly!

You see, when you make a good connection, you don’t have to go a long distance.  You don’t have to pack any bags or take a toothbrush.


Just my mind, my body, and my spirit.

I’m back now.  I wasn’t gone that long.  I didn’t have to be.

But I do hope to go back someday.  Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe sooner?


Day 727

A house was built tonight.

Not a house in the literal sense, but a house of the spirit, so to speak.

Hard to describe, but let me just say to all of you out there — take some time in the next 10 days to let go of old ways and adopt a new outlook.  Hey, no one really holds onto a “new” perspective all the time for the whole year, but at least give it a thought.  A try.

Build a new house.

There’s never been a better time.


Day 726

My cable box died last night.

I got a new one today.

I had stuff on my DVR that I wanted to keep!  It’s gone!  Jeez!

Seriously, though…it really is amazing how attached we become to things.  I mean, this was just a cable box!

But I’ll get over it.  I’m strong.  And hey, there’s always reruns, right?


Day 725

I cooked today.  Cooked with a family member.

It was fun!

Listened to some favorite music and got the whole thing prepared.

And you know what?  It came out great.  The stir fry was crisp and the garlic toast was rich.

I’d like to start doing more cooking and baking.  There’s something very satisfying about going through a series of steps and having it come out well.  Then again, what happens when it comes out wrong?

I donno.  Life isn’t always about everything working out perfect every time.  I guess activity in the kitchen is the same.  We enjoy it when it comes out right, cry a bit when it doesn’t work out, but always get back out there and try it again.

Who knows what I’ll try tomorrow.  Probably leftovers.

There’s something special about those too.


Day 724

I started sneezing a few days ago.

That can only mean one thing: allergy season.

That’s right.  Right on cue!  So, my three months of relief are done and now starts the roulette of the rest of the year!

I suppose I should be thankful, though.  My allergies are not as bad as some.

The weird thing is that until a few years ago, well, I didn’t have any allergies at all.

Huh.  I guess life is like that sometimes, right?  What you don’t want just when you least expect.

Allergies.  Expect ’em.


Day 723

Early to wake.

Late to bed.

Instead of tonight, I’ll do the post now instead!


Day 721

It was a long day today.

A good day!  Just long….

Did you know those two things aren’t incompatible?  Sometimes I forget that.  Sometimes I forget gratitude when the road seems a little longer. I forget to delve into the cliches and give myself a lift.

So, here goes:  I’m grateful to even have a day.  I’m grateful to even be able to use the word “good” to describe something.

That’s a note to sleep on, if ever there was one.


Day 720

So, remember my Internet problem?

The guy came today and, of course, the Internet was working swimmingly — after months of pain.

Luckily, he said there was, indeed, a problem in the line.  Yay!  I’m not crazy!  There are people the world over who think all kinds of things about me that are probably without merit, but I knew I wasn’t crazy when it came to this Internet thing.

So, soon, a new line is going in from the house to the box and we should be back to normal.

Still, I’m a little baffled as to how it’s working so great right now.  Maybe it’s a quantum mechanics thing — when I wasn’t looking, it was slow.  When I looked, it was fast.

Maybe that’s not quantum mechanics.

I don’t really care.

I just want faster Internet.


Day 719

My Internet is slow.


Sorry…didn’t mean to yell.  It’s just, I’m so frustrated.

Someone’s coming out tomorrow to look at it.  If it’s THEIR problem, no charge.  If it’s MY problem, there’s a charge.

Sounds like gambling, right?

Let’s just hope that in the final analysis, the Internet cards call my way…otherwise, the house will be paying.


Day 718

I had an encounter tonight with a person that put some things in perspective for me.

I will not go into detail.  Suffice it to say, when I woke up this morning, I was convinced that I had some problems in my life.

Tonight, as I write this?  Well, let’s just say I am going to go to bed tonight with a revived sense of gratitude — that I have a bed in which to sleep.

Please, I beg you…find perspective.  No matter where you have to look, seek it.

And you will find it.

Sometimes it comes in the form of another person, in the last place you’d expect.


Day 717

Some days are just great.  Not because anything really amazing happens, but just because the day happened.

For example, I was up early this morning trimming trees and doing yard work (and there was, finally, a morning cool breeze!).  Then, found a dirt, dirt cheap tee time online and went to play golf.  After that?  Indian food.  Chicken tikka masala, of course (with plain naan).

I’m back now.  Settling in for what I expect to be a great night’s sleep.

Today wasn’t super duper stellar because anything super stellar happened.

But the day happened.  And it was clean and clear.

And I think that makes a great day.


Day 716

Lady Gaga is on a Saturday Night Live repeat.  Just turned it on in the background after getting home.

She’s wearing some kind of…outfit, with some kind of golden disk think on her head.

Now, if I put that on and went about town (or to work), I’d be arrested.  She gets applause.

This is quite a world we live in, right?

Heck, there are jobs where if people wear jeans, they get fired, let alone golden disks on their heads.

But I say, if you’re gonna do it, go all the way.  If you’re going to wear the golden disk, have the half-naked back up dancers.  That’s right.  Go into work the day after you win the lottery and bring your disk and your dancers and see how long it takes for them to show you the door.

But don’t despair.  After they fire you, Lorne Michaels will ask you to be on SNL.

Boy, that was easy.


Day 715

I spent a lot of time laughing today.

Laughing at the TV, laughing at myself, laughing at a mistake I made while playing my guitar.


It’s essential to laugh (especially at oneself), especially when we are living in such strange times.

Look, it’s not always going to work out like we want it to.  It’s not always going to be a soft bed of roses.  People won’t act how we expect and the world won’t set wonders out on a platter.  What’s gonna happen is gonna happen.

But if you can wear a smile more often than not, well, then you’re ahead of the game.

Did you laugh today?  Go ahead and try it.  Then try it again.  And again.

On second thought, just keep doing it.

And never stop.