Day 546

And, we’ve arrived…at least at one milestone in an infinite universe of milestones.

Today, I signed a formal contract for literary representation.

Was it the Super Moon in Virgo (for at least part of the day)?

Who can say?

All I know is that this agent is just a really nice person who really understands what I’m trying to do…and what I’m writing.

I’m not saying that what I write is so complex that no one will get it.  On the contrary.  I’m simply saying that I think when it comes to representation for any medium (painting, photos, legal, writing), the person representing you has to have a sense of who you are as a person and how you are reflected in your writing.  In that way, it is the best possible relationship.

In other words, they have to connect with you in a meaningful way.

I hope this is the start of a terrific literary relationship…and a fun one, of course.

The experiment doesn’t end here.  No.  It continues.  I was happy before day 546, and I’m going to continue working and striving for that same goal.

On the other hand, maybe I’ll just be that goal and see where that takes me.

I’ll keep you posted as we continue to count days together!